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Ibs pain

Hi, I'm new to this. Can anyone tell me if you have had a pain which feels like something has 'snapped' inside. Mine is on the left hand side very low down. I'm then left with severe intermittent pins and needles type pain. Is this IBS? Doctor has diagnosed it but doesn't seem 100% thanks

  1. Hey there, friend.
    IBS can manifest in a variety of different symptoms. Funnily enough I have it and so has my mother. While I fight with some ugly periods of bad bloating/blunt pain and dirrhea, my mother mainly fights with a sharp pain in the lower side of her intestines. I get those pains that feel like needles really rarely and thankfully I can really manage them with the right kind of careful self-massage.
    So yeah, it could be IBS.

    1. Thanks for your reply. Have you or your mother ever had that 'snapped' feeling (like something inside has actually snapped)?

      1. I would ask for imaging to make sure there isn't something structural going on that needs to be fixed or even just inflammation. So sorry you are going through this. I hope you get relief soon. Hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

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