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IBS flare up symptoms?

Hi can IBS cause nausea and a burning feeling in your stomach? also what can trigger a flare up other than food I know anxiety will and what I don't get is everyday I eat the same foods (having trouble with eating and my diet) and some days my symptoms aren't as bad as other days so what could be causing that it can't be the food can it if I'm having the same food every day now I do suffer with mental health especially anxiety I'm just not sure if it's all down to that

  1. Sounds like IBS for sure with the random flare up and the inconsistent food triggers. I can have a simple diet like toast for dinner and next day I get a flare up. Kept a food journal for months. It did help me figure things out...but it was pointless after a while.

    I dont get nausea or a burning feeling. Do get chills after flare up, and pains before.

    Have you discussed with GI or Naturapathy doctor?

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