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I feel very unwell and peculiar with my ibs and keep crying does anyone else experience this.

  1. I completely empathise and understand. Yes I do. I get the creepiest feelings when my gut goes through its upset times. Then I get sad because I remember the good times, and just end up crying. Sometimes it's not even my thoughts that make me feel sad or cry, it's just a general feeling that goes along with the IBS "bad days".
    Also, it's disheartening when you try something and it might appear to work, but then a flare up comes back just when you think you are winning. It can make me feel very fed up.

    1. I feel you. How long have you been living with IBS? I used to literally feel like my life was over and I would never be able to do anything again. Especially during flares and bad days, it's easy to become disheartened and lose hope. But it can get better. After 2 years where I was barely able to leave the house, I was able to travel again, start a family and have months with barely any symptoms. Please don't lose hope. I also want to share this article with you:, I hope it'll help. Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

      1. Yes it's awful when you're feeling this way. During a flare up I feel so poorly that I get extremely depressed and do sometimes cry as I don't want to go through this when I'm doing so much to help myself. What have you tried? I hope you're starting to feel better

        1. Yes, I have cried and told myself how unfair life is before. I was really angry that some people could fill themselves with crazy junkfood (I mean I wasn't a saint before I got IBS but I wasn't really a unhealthy all the time or anything) while I get unwell periods even when paying extreme attention.

          Well that's how I used to treat myself before I finally realised how useless these periods of self-pity were - I'm not trying to sound super "strong", it took me roughly 5 years to stop acting like a victim. Nowadays when I start pitying myself, I get this rush of emotions, actually mumble to myself "But will I give up because of that? HELL NO!" out of pure spite and then go over to meditate/QiGong or take a walk. I usually feel better after doing one of those activities.

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