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Homeopathic Carbo Veg. Helped me tonight

Tonight I felt very miserable. I have had a 10 day flare up. Not too severe every single day, but some days just a bit bad, and some days much worse, and my diet has been so restricted for 10 days.

Today was the 2nd worst day of them all. My stools have been loose all this time even on the better days. But today I also felt weary and worn out, run down, hopeless, and a bit worried as "safe" foods weren't working to calm anything any more. I was getting flares on white rice.

Tonight it all got on top of me, and I had bloating in lower left of my belly, and horrible creeping discomfort down there, feeling like wind moving around. But I also got emotional; scared and tearful and couldn't control it at all. Tears running down my face.
Not from my thoughts, but just because my gut was in such a mess and was wearing me out.

I tried everything and nothing helped. Cinnamon, ginger, peppermint tea. Then I remembered I still had some homeopathic Carbo Veg. 12C pellets left, and found them. I had kept them in a dark dry place.
I took one (sublingual) and wasn't even sure it would help. It was just the last thing I could think of when I'd tried everything else but didn't hold out much hopes for it.

Well, wow, it did. It's quite amazing. The bloating eased, and the horrible creeping discomfort eased, including windy cramps and I started to feel steady and much calmer. I guess it took about 30 minutes.
I'd just like to share this because homeopathic remedies are often not thought much of, or are dismissed as placebo or snake oil solutions. Believe me, what happened to help me wasn't placebo.

  1. So sorry you haven't been feeling well, but so happy to see that this treatment brought you relief. Thank you for sharing with the community! Just a friendly reminder to always contact your doctor before trying a new treatment. I hope you continue to feel better. Big hugs to you, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I'm so sorry you have been feeling so poorly-it sounds awful! I'm so glad you're feeling better now and relief was found. Echoing Elizabeth's reminder to check with your doctor, but I'm glad it worked for you! ~Michaela ( Team Member)

      1. Thanks, Michaela and Elizabeth. Yes that remedy really helped the other night for me. But that's so true, we should definitely check with our own health practitioner or doctor first.
        I am working with a homeopath, and it was she who gave me the remedies, though that one was while ago. I would normally have called her for advice first, as even with homeopathy all remedies don't always work well together, and she had already put me on other remedies.
        But it was very late at night so I couldn't call her at that time. I decided to try it anyway, and the results were good. I haven't been so bad in the last few days now. Normal mornings and bm's! What a treat. But still some slight discomfort like wind moving about low down in my tummy for an hour or so in the evenings a few hours after dinner. But not as bad as the other night when I felt awful.

        1. This is great news and I'm glad you have received some relief. That is always a God-send after a bad flare. Stay well, Elizabeth (team member)

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