I think I have mentioned something about this before, but maybe in a different way...
Anyway, I was thinking yesterday about IBS and how it can cause us to feel worried because symptoms force us into a restricted diet. So we all might feel concerned because we are not eating as healthily as we think we ought to. Especially I think, with IBS-D, when many fruits and veggies are too much, and we have to eat really bland food at times.
So...one staple food that is always safe for me is plain old white rice. (I know that doesn't suit everybody but it helps me in flare ups, and I do eat it about 3 times a week.) It's calming for my gut.
In the past I would definitely never have chosen to eat it because I thought it was just "starchy stodge" and of almost no value nutritionally.
But I checked its nutrients and guess what?
1 cup of boiled white rice contains:
Omega 3.....20.5mg
Omega 6.....98mg
A small amount of B vitamins
Those numbers aren't really high. They are higher of course in brown rice, but they are a good list of nutrients in a food that is very bland, and which might feel almost like eating no goodness at all!
If that was paired up with eggs, fish or some meat, and any tolerable vegetable or two, it makes a good nutritional meal.