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Health anxiety led IBS

Hi All, I used to suffer from minor IBS and haemorrhoids (which I was diagnosed with in my late teens). Then about 12 months ago I found out a friend of mine was ill with a serious bowel condition. This triggered something in my mind which led to: 1) my heightened sense of health anxiety about the health of bowels, and 2) worsened my IBS to become IBS-M. I also became highly sensitivity to a variety of foods. I have had blood and stool samples tested, and thankfully all negative. I’ve been on a couple of types of meds but I’m still suffering with my health anxiety and IBS-M. So I thought I’d put it out there on this forum and ask if anyone else has been through similar experiences as I have? And what did you do to improve you physical and mental well-being?

  1. Thank you for reaching out and sharing. You are certainly not alone here. I hope that our community chimes in to share their personal experiences with you. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this is a great article on the link between anxiety and IBS that may be helpful to you: Please reach out with any specific questions, we're here to support you. Best, Kelly, Team Member

    1. Anxienty is something you should be able to get in check and is something that is fundamentally important with any IBS-related illness because (as we all know) stress and anxiety are the no. 1 triggers for most of us.
      You should try to read up on meditation/stress-relieve techniques a.s.o..

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