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How do I not let my IBS get in the way?

I have my graduation coming up. It is this Tuesday and I have practice very early in the morning and the ceremony is in the afternoon and and that is when it flares up the most, what can I do so it doesn’t ruin anything. How do I not let my IBS get in the way?

  1. Thanks for submitting this question, ! Congratulations on graduating! I'm sorry a response didn't come in sooner! How did everything go? - Chris, Team Member

    1. How did your graduation go! I know it's been a couple years, but that anxiety of not using the restroom through a stressful event can still persist. Personally, I go with Imodium. It stops me up and allows me to make appointments and obligations without having to worry about potty time!

      Thank you so much for sharing with us and I hope you've been feeling well as of late. ~ Sawyer (team member)

      1. Imodium helps but then comes the bladder problem.

        1. I’m glad Imodium helps you. You’re not alone with bladder problems, quite a few of our community members deal with those, too. If you’re interested, we have an article about IBS and bladder problems here: Some people also notice that Imodium makes them need to pee: Do you experience that, too?
          Karina (team member)

      2. Yes, no bladder problems other than Imodium makes you pee not too long after you take it.

        1. I wasn't sure from your last message, thank you for clarifying! That seems to be quite common based on the second link I sent you.
          How are you feeling today?
          Karina (team member)

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