My stomach, intestines, well they hate me. I have had stomach troubles all my life. So recently my GI put me on a low fodmap diet. She says that it will change my life. I believe in the diet and i kneo in order to end this misery i will have ro conform to this dietary lifestyle. But I am having a really hard time commiting and applying myself to it. I try to eat correctly then i slip up. The stomach pain, spasms, nausea, bloating has nearly handicaped me. How can grasp this diet that i know i need? I stay so stressed out. Everyone around me just eats and eats and grans whatever, whenever they wants. For me, i feel like its a full time job trying to manage my diet. Too much thought and preparation goes into it and its so time consuming. I hate food. I hate dealing with it everyday but its essential to life. So anyone out there got any advise for me on dealing and coping? Its not easy for me. It seems so easy for others that have IBS. How can i live at peace with all the restictions my stomach puts on me. I just want to be normal.