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Flare ups

Hi i would like to know what fellow sufferers advise to take to ease abdominal pains during a flare up.
Thank you in advance

  1. If it’s pain I use a heating pad and gas x. If it’s diarrhea, I use Imodium and or sometimes Metamucil to bulk up the stool. Bland food.

    1. Yvonne Pinch

      1. During flare-ups and definitely use a heating pad religiously. I rest as much as possible. Drink lots of chicken and bone broth. Mostly stick to liquid diet for a day or two and have soups and smoothies. -Elizabeth (team member)

        1. Thanks for reaching out. I'm glad to see some responses from our community. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article has some additional ideas for strategies to settle abdominal pain that may be helpful to you: Best, Kelly, Team Member

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