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CBD oil

Hi all, not been on here for a while but am looking for advice. As in my previous discussions I have suffered with ibs for many years and although I have flares I also have many good days. I am in the middle of a flare now and while researching came across CBD oil as a possible aid in helping to manage ibs flare ups. Has anyone on here had any experience of CBD oil and if so the effects of it. Thanks on advance.


  1. Hi Bonnie, sorry to hear that you're in a flare right now. I don't have any personal experience with CBD oil, but some of our contributors have written about it:
    I hope you'll find articles helpful and that other communities will share their experiences with you soon. Wishing you quick relief, Karina (team member)

    1. Karina

      1. Hi Karina, thanks for your prompt and informative reply. I shall look into the links you provided..

        1. You're very welcome, I hope these articles are helpful to you! I just saw that the links in my original comment aren't clickable, so I'm going to add them again here:,, Sorry about that. All the best, Karina (team member)

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