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Out of no where I will become very tired and fatigued. Is this common with IBS?
Karina Member
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hateibs Member
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I often wonder if sometimes the exhaustion could be caused by a restricted diet? I try to eat as many healthy foods as I can, but some people can only eat a few. So I always take a vitamin and mineral supplement as well.
Make sure you're not anemic. Go for a blood test.
I also personally feel that my sleep can be disturbed by things going on in my gut during the night. Some nights I wake a lot or don't sleep enough hours. That's another thing to consider.
Karina Member
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As for sleep, I just wanted to share this article:, it has some helpful tips for sleeping through the night.
Karina (team member)
hateibs Member
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Other times I sleep straight through 7-8 hours without even cracking open my eyelids! I feel like I've been in a very deep sleep. And spend the whole day feeling exhausted!
And yet when my gut feels easier, I can wake up feeling fresh and alert after 6 hours sleep.
I hope you are not too bad at the moment, Karina? Take care. Hugs.
Karina Member
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hateibs Member
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I hope this phase will pass for you soon. I feel weather changes, so maybe they have an effect on us? And the gradual loss of light at this time of year.
Yes, it must be quite demanding to have a young baby who wakes you up a lot in the night. I hope you can find times for a rest or nap. I have heard "sleeping when the baby sleeps" to be a solution...but don't know how that works out in a less-than-ideal world with all the things we need to do in life! It would be fine if there was a magical garden where mothers with babies went to stay for a vacation!
Take care and all the best.
Karina Member
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Sleeping when the baby sleeps worked better for me when he was very little, but he's 1 and a half now and doesn't sleep that often, haha! And I also have too much work to do to even nap. It will pass, we're just in a bad teething phase right now. 😀 The magical garden sounds wonderful though!
I hope you had a lovely weekend without too many symptoms. Karina (team member)