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Extremely Loud Bowel / Tummy + Gas Bloated

Hi everyone,

I'm 30 years old and I've been dealing with digestive problems since I was 21. It all started at University when I noticed that my tummy and bowel were getting extremely loud, plus I had a lot of gas. This led me to being afraid of being in class or silent crowded rooms.
Since then I have had highs and lows but the some symptoms were present mostly of the time.
I have done a lot of exams and nothing came back conclusive with me being diagnosed with IBS, not a problem that I should be worried about, according to different doctors. Even though this really affects my daily and professional live, since I work in an office and I have to attend meetings, where I'm always concerned if my bowel and tummy will trick me in front of my colleagues.

I've tried a lot of different diets, yoga, and hypnotherapy, I found that these would somewhat help in the short term but they are not a long term solution.

Loud Bowel / Tummy, sometimes I feel some sort of contraction and expansion
Boiling feeling after meals (sometimes)

Have any of you experienced the same? What have you done to fight these symptoms?
Any specialist you would recommend me to visit? I'm in Canada.

  1. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story. Definitely speak with your primary doctor about any new, changing or concerning symptoms and seek their professional opinion of a referral to a specialist may be helpful to you. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article on working with IBS may be helpful to you: Also, here's a great overview of treatment options: Wishing you some relief very soon. Best, Kelly, Team Member

    1. I feel you. Thank you so much for sharing with us and I hope you've been feeling way better as of late! I definitely get some loud tummy gurgling action. It sounds like a volcano is erupting inside me. Though, I'll try and play it off as something funny. I've been fortunate enough to be in less than serious scenarios where I can chuckle and claim that I'm rather than discomforting IBS cramps.

      Have you made any progress in trying to relieve this gas? I usually go with Gas X to try and ease the bloating and gas building. I hope you've been feeling well as of late and have taken even more steps to managing these symptoms! Please, feel free to let us know how you've been doing. Wishing you the absolute best ~ Sawyer (team member)

      1. Hi Sawyer,
        Thank you for your feedback.
        I also use(d) Gas X and I find it to be effective.

        After many years, I tried different approaches, I worked with a Dietitian (without much success) and I'm currently working with a Naturopath on fixing the root cause of my issues.
        I found that I had SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth), the symptoms are very similar to IBS and it goes many times misdiagnosed. We have been working towards balancing gut microbiome as well as identify root causes as to why I keep having bacterial/fungal overgrowth.
        I found that I'm now in a better place than I was a year ago, but I'm still on a very limited diet and I find my body reacts to almost any food that falls out of it. Processed foods/fast foods are a no good.

        I would suggest looking into this, and follow a ND path, they tend to go after the root cause rather than masking the symptoms. There are some clinics that specialize on it.
        I would also suggest reading The Microbiome Connection: Your Guide to IBS, SIBO, and Low-Fermentation Eating - Dr Mark Pimentel.

        Hope this helps!

        1. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! I've been very interesting in the naturopathic approach lately, looking for the root cause seems like a great idea. Do you have a specific plan or protocol to work on your microbiome? I hope you'll keep feeling better with time. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

      2. Hey there, I have almost your exact problem + I have severe belching after meals. I too was first diagnosed with IBS-D (and it probably was back then 7 years ago) which turned into something more severe during Covid in a span of 2-3 bad flare-ups. I'm now 2 months into my worst flare-up yet, have a VERY limited diet (tried a small portion of fennel today which was a bad idea) and now (because I developed a new dry eczema over the last week) I had enough and started using SIBOSAN (5 pills in as of this evening). So yeah, you're not alone.

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