Hi everyone,
I'm 30 years old and I've been dealing with digestive problems since I was 21. It all started at University when I noticed that my tummy and bowel were getting extremely loud, plus I had a lot of gas. This led me to being afraid of being in class or silent crowded rooms.
Since then I have had highs and lows but the some symptoms were present mostly of the time.
I have done a lot of exams and nothing came back conclusive with me being diagnosed with IBS, not a problem that I should be worried about, according to different doctors. Even though this really affects my daily and professional live, since I work in an office and I have to attend meetings, where I'm always concerned if my bowel and tummy will trick me in front of my colleagues.
I've tried a lot of different diets, yoga, and hypnotherapy, I found that these would somewhat help in the short term but they are not a long term solution.
Loud Bowel / Tummy, sometimes I feel some sort of contraction and expansion
Boiling feeling after meals (sometimes)
Have any of you experienced the same? What have you done to fight these symptoms?
Any specialist you would recommend me to visit? I'm in Canada.