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Do I have colitis??

Hi, I'm yash I have done colonscopy and biopsy due to stomach pain and Change of bowel
The colonscopy result said it the colon is normal
My doctor have said that I have microscopy colitis, my biopsy revealed that. He have give me pentasa and duspatalin but my pain remain the same!

Here is the report

'' biopsy comprises mainly colonic mucosa fragments show features of mild to moderate non-specific chronic colitis''

'' No dysplasia / malignancy seen "

Do I have microscopy colitis ?

  1. ,

    Thank you very much for sharing your story. It sounds like you have done all the right things to get a proper diagnosis and to help yourself learn about your illness and how to manage it. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you are asking us to confirm whether you have microscopy colitis, as your doctor has diagnosed. Due to the fact that I am not a doctor, I suppose the best advice I can give, is to seek a second opinion from a qualified doctor if you have doubts about the initial diagnosis. Please keep us up to date with how things progress. We are here for your support anytime you should need it. I hope you are well today. -Todd, Team

    1. Hi, Thank for your reply

      I wanted to confirm if I have colitis

      I have gone to a generalist doctor and he said that I don't have colitis that why I wanted to confirmed it

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