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covid ibs

I think i might i have long covid with diarrhea issues. It's getting worse but i am not sure whether it's due to ibs being triggered by stress or the actual virus.
I read not to take Imodium if it is covid related which is upsetting as it's a usual go to for me.
Has anyone else had diarrhea with covid?

  1. I would imagine that if you are now technically clear of the virus, and what you have are "long Covid" symptoms, then imodium when really needed would be okay?
    But I stand to be corrected if anyone knows anything different. Do check with your doctor.

    During Covid, I had no gut issues, but I'd had some IBS-D symptoms just before it. Then for 6 weeks I had NO IBS! Bowel movements, gas, bloating pains, etc.....all normal.
    However, a couple of months after apparent recovery from Covid, my IBS started up again (no stress involved in my case) It hasn't completely gone away since, and that's 2 years ago. I am confused because I have no idea what happened there. Why better during Covid and for some weeks afterwards?? Yet why has IBS got more on-going and chronic since?

    I don't know in my own case, if it's long Covid, or something else. But I have been slightly better recently.

    There is a thing called "post infectious IBS", so maybe you have that?

    1. Thanks for the reply, the ibs is improving daily, well as much as it can do when i have ibs it is never normal. My ibs started many years ago from dysentery so it's post infectious anyway.
      6 weeks relief for you from ibs must have been wonderful, ibs is always confusing to me. Let's hope improvement continues for both of us.

      1. I just wanted to check in and ask how you are feeling now? Are you back to "normal" yet? Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

    2. Well, it has improved greatly thank you, i don't think it will ever be normal but it's back to normal for me anyway lol

      1. I'm so glad to hear that! Although I feel you on the "never feeling quite normal" part - that early happens when you have IBS... All the best, Karina (team member)

    3. I would like to do for pain after a bowel movement

      1. Thanks for reaching out. What type of pain are you having? Are you constipated or having diarrhea? Be sure to speak with your doctor about any new, changing or concerning symptoms, if you haven't already. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article may be helpful: Best, Kelly, Team member

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