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Constipation/diarrhea cycle

I've been having this cycle for the last month or so. The diarrhea part starts with severe abdominal pains and goes on and on. I'm thinking it has to do with what I'm eating, but I've not figured that out. How did you all who have this cycle figure it out?

  1. ,

    Those symptoms sound very typical of IBS. I deal with this too. Sorry you are currently going through this.

    Have you tried keeping a food journal to keep track of what you eat and what symptoms you experience? I found this to be extremely helpful. It really isn't until you put things down on paper that you can truly see a pattern as to what foods cause pain and what foods don't.

    Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I'm starting that today. Thanks.

      1. ,

        Good luck! Keep us posted.

        Elizabeth (team member)

    2. Hello i live in the Netherlands. And i have ibs since i was born. I have everyday extreme diarrhea about 6 to 10 times a day. I have all the possible things done in the hospital they know that i have ibs but they cannot do anything. They say you have to live with that. For the rest off my life every day my toilet is clocked full of diarrhea. I don't have a standing toilet but a toilet that is on the wall. I don't know what i can do about it. But every day i have to clean the toilet 10 times. Do you know people who have it also so bad and what they do about it

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