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Can Surgery be a treatment option?

If the colon is removed, does IBS go along with it?

  1. Unfortunately I have been diagnosed with a redundant colon which essentially means that my colon is longer than normal. Generally we all have about six feet of colon. My gastroenterologist said that my colon is at least ten feet or more. Unfortunately it feels like my IBS symptoms are X2 on occasion. My gastroenterologist said a partial colectomy is not even a consideration. I would think there would be some relief to have my colon be the same length as the human anatomy intended.

    1. As far as I know, surgery isn't usually a treatment option for IBS, but it may be different because of your specific diagnosis. I'm wondering if you could ask this question on our IBD website:, maybe people who deal with both IBD and IBS and have had surgery could share their experiences with you? However, I would also consider getting another opinion if you don't feel heard by your doctor. Maybe they could also suggest other treatment plans to help with your symptoms? Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

    2. hi there, what symptoms do you have with elongated colon? I am fine between flare ups but do have really severe colonic spasms and noisy rumblings for hours on end and left side pain. I also have long floppy colon

  2. Hi I think I have similar symptoms to yours. In between flareups I hardly notice anything except the occasional constipation. It's like a warzone when I do have flareups. A lot of cramping and gas and there is some noise going on. The worst part in my case is when I get a spasm close to where the vagal nerve is located. I start sweating profusely and get very dizzy. I have to lay down perfectly still for hours or I will be sick to my stomach. They can happen at any time day or night, so I am always in a panic when I have to leave the house. The anxiety is terrible for the IBS so I just have to remain in my home as long as I can. That's why I will even consider a colectomy, but my doctors will not even consider that an option. It's human torture and depressing when you try to research the Internet. Just about every site says that there is no cure for IBS and they don't know why it starts in some people. Those statements are not very encouraging when going through this.

    1. That's terrible, I'm so sorry that it gets so bad for you. I can understand why you're anxious about leaving the house. 🙁
      Have you tried seeing different doctors to see if they might be able to help you with this? We also have several discussions about dizziness and IBS:,, Maybe some of the ideas discussed there could help?
      I can relate so much to what you're saying, it's indeed so hard to read over and over again that there's no cure for IBS. I've recently come across the holistic health community that tends to believe that there can be different root causes for IBS and that it's possible to heal. I'm not a doctor and I don't know how accurate the information is, but some of the ideas really resonated with me and I also know that some community members have done well with this type of approach. Have you ever tried an alternative approach to IBS, like seeing a naturopathic doctor for example? Here's more info in case you're interested:
      Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

  3. I sympathise with you. I had a flare up last evening..does this sound familiar to you? Cramping as if a dishcloth is being wrung out in your lower abdomen/colon, then really loud liquid sound as the pain subsides and a feeling of nausea. I feel delicate today but probably back to normal tomorrow till the next unpredictable time.

    1. Sorry to hear about your flare. I hope that you're feeling much better today. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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