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Can anyone relate?

I have Celiac disease but it is under control but a little over a year ago I started having severe abdominal pain when I would eat. I was treated for two types of SIBO and I had SIFO as well but I never improved. My specialist mentioned possible IBS but that was all that was said. I have lived in fear of eating for this past year and lost so much weight and was not getting enough protein and vitamins that I started showing signs of liver failure and now my heart could not longer keep up so I had to have a pacemaker a month ago. I just had a CT scan which appears normal. My family has been making me eat three times daily since I almost died from my heart failing. The pain continues with eating despite eating right for the past month. I am up to 127 pounds now but I fear I will slip and stop eating again because it is too painful. Has anyone ever almost died due lack of food over IBS? Should I ask my specialist if this is the cause being my tests look good or have them check again for SIBO and SIFO? I am afraid I will die if this does not stop. Am I doing this to myself? Am I just mentally afraid and it is causing this? I feel crazy and so not know what to do.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I would highly encourage you to reach out to your doctor/specialist again if you're having any new, changing or concerning sypmtoms. It's great that you've been able to gain some weight back but you're still have severe abdominal pain? Do you notice any difference in your pain based on what you eat? Do you follow with a Gastroenerologist for your Celiac? In addition to speaking with your doctor, these articles may be helpful: and Wishing you relief and healing ahead. Please reach out anytime. Best, Kelly, Team Member

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