I'm a 49 year old man and had IBS for many years and taken medication as well as FODMAP diets etc. Like everyone I get flare ups from time to time but there's one very specific set of symptoms I get every 3-6 months and I wondered if anyone else has experienced?
I get pain in chest (to the point where I've thought previously I'm having a heart attack) over 2-3 days that's gets more painful, alongside it I'll get IBS symptoms (on Saturday went to the toilet 7 times). Then after 3rd/4th day ill get blood when I go to the toilet and then pain will go and system calms down again. My heart is healthy having had scans last year following death of a family member I got an MOT.
I also have hemorrhoids but pretty sure they won't cause chest pain.
This first happened 19 years ago and I had last colonscopy a year ago which was clear (have had polyps in past but everything OK on that front currently).
I guess what I'm keen to know is has anyone had any similar symptoms and if so is this just part of my IBS or is there something else going on as when I'm getting the chest pain it feels like it can't just be the IBS?