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Back pain.

Hi all. I'd like some advice if possible. I suffer with IBS and lately have experienced lower back pain radiating to my thighs. This is also connected to abdo cramps. Anyone on here are experiencing or experienced similar. TIA

  1. Whenever I would flare badly I would get horrendous lower back pain. So you aren't alone in having this symptom. Mine didn't radiate to my thighs, but it was a severe pain that sometimes would cause my back to spasm and if I was sitting up or standing, I would fall over from the intense pain. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. thank you for your prompt reply. I don't want this to sound mean but it's reassuring for me to know that I am not alone with this symptom. I did have a flare over the weekend so it sort of connects. Thanks again Elizabeth.

  2. go see your doctor incase it's another problem , I went with lower back pain and thighs, and she pressed areas on my tummy as she said it cud also be ovary problems which it wasnt, similar symptoms tho

    1. thank you for your reply. Many years ago I had a total hysterectomy so no ovary involvement. I do appreciate your input however. It seems I'm not alone with lower back pain linked to IBS.Thanks again.

  3. H

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