I’ve given up trying to even treat this condition at this stage. As I have alluded to in the past, my official diagnosis from a Gastroenterologist is “Non-Functional Dyspepsia”, a type of IBS of the stomach he says, not of the intestines. Has anyone else received this particular diagnosis?
Either way, the diagnosis means very little to mean because anything I do to try and ameliorate the condition, doesn’t work. Some people here are troubled with Bloating, some with constipation, some diarrhoea and some with all three. My sympathy to you people that are affected by all three, I probably should count my blessings I don’t have all these complaints. My only presenting complaint is solely BLOATING & all the pain and discomfort associated with that. I do, very, very occasionally get a feeling of extreme bowel urgency if I’m not near a toilet in the morning time (ie stuck in traffic, and I begin to panic) but this is a relatively minor problem. What comes out of me even then isn’t diarrhoea, it’s regular, run of the mill poop.
I read a lot of about what you eat & how supplements like probiotics help this condition. From my own experience, neither of them make a jot of difference to the condition. For 36 years of my life I hadn’t a single problem with my gut until I took a panic attack one day after coming off Sertraline. The panic spiralled & spiralled into terror & the problems with my gut started instantly from that episode. Up until that point I could have eaten & drank absolutely ANYTHING & I never once took a probiotic of any description. I didn’t suddenly wake up one day & have “dysbiosis” in my gut or an intolerance to things I could previous eat no problem.
This brings to my main point, I think IBS is down solely to STRESS & TRAUMA experienced in life & damn all to do with the bugs your gut. It’s maybe possible that the stress alters your gut bacteria to some degree but this is an effect not a cause. I think Probiotics are solely a marketing ploy, anything they do is probably nothing more than a placebo effect.
Sorry for the rant, just wanted to give my 2 pence worth.