I'm going to share a couple of comments about Hyoscymine from other community members: shared this: "Hyoscyamine really helped with the spasms, I was on that 3x/day to start when I was in the bathroom 10x/day. I take as needed now." (https://irritablebowelsyndrome.net/forums/new-here-looking-for-some-things-that-work-for-you); shared: "I began feeling better by eating low FODMAP and taking Hyoskyamine" (https://irritablebowelsyndrome.net/forums/anxiety-getting-the-better-of-me); Sandy said, "I take Hyoscyamine at first sign of cramping, but there are still rare times when the pain is pretty intense." (https://irritablebowelsyndrome.net/forums/does-anyone-else-pass-out-faint-during-flair-up) and jenii said here: https://irritablebowelsyndrome.net/forums/advice-severe-pain that it wasn't working for her. I hope that this helps and that other community members will share their experiences with you soon! Have you talked to your doctor about the different medications you were wondering about? Karina (team member)
Rgibson107 Member
Last Updated:
Just this ,this time around hopefully it'll help. Been taking 5ml of imodium am&pm has help quite a lot just looking for something more convenient that works. Thanks for your help Ron.
Karina Member
Last Updated:
I also hope that it'll help! Please keep us updated. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)