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Anyone Take Anxiety Meds?

Does anyone take anxiety medication to control their IBS?

Or do you take Anxiety medication but it makes IBS worse?

  1. While I can't share any personal experience with you, I wanted to link a couple of articles and forums from people who have taken anxiety medication: (you can also read the comments), ( shared their experience with Xanax in a comment), I hope other community members will chime in soon and share their experiences with you.
    Karina (team member)

    1. Cambium, I have had a prescription for Xanax for many years. I take half a pill only when needed, which I reserve for attending large gatherings. This is due to anxiety about my IBS flaring up and possibly resulting in a bowel incontinence episode—something that has happened to me many times due to the combination of IBS and an injury when my first child was born. I rarely need a pill anymore because my confidence has increased as I’ve successfully had numerous public outings without incident. Having supplies and a plan for emergencies is also very helpful. Anything that relieves anxiety can help to alleviate it from triggering a flare up.

      1. cambium re anxiety meds

    2. Hello. I take amitriptyline

      1. Thank you for sharing! Does it work well for you?
        Other community members have also shared that Amitriptyline helps them, as in this forum: - I'm just linking that for anyone who might be interested in trying it.

        Karina (team member)

    3. Interesting. I have yet to take any... really trying hard not to. Meds mess up our system in the long run.

      1. I feel that. How have you been doing lately?
        Karina (team member)

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