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Abdominal cramps

Hi all

Hope someone can help.recently had colonoscopy due to worsening episodes of diahorrea. Colonoscopy was fine. No irregularities found. Now however, am having abdominal cramps which are quite painful. I take immodium some days and am wondering if buscopan cramps may help me. TIA


  1. I'm sorry you're having these cramps! I can't give medical advice, but I'd recommend asking your doctor about taking buscopan. They'd be able to advise you on how much to take. I hope you start to feel better soon! Best wishes, Michaela ( Team Member)

    1. Hi Michaela. Thank you again for your reply. My cramps are improving thankfully and I am now recognising certain foods that I eat causes flare ups. I am also waiting an appointment with my dietician which I am sure will help.

      Thank you again


      1. Hi Vonnie, Curious if your abdominal cramps resolved and if so, how? I know there can typically be cramping after a procedure but typically only short-lived. Seem to be a fair number of folks on this forum whose symptoms worsen after colonoscopy.

        1. In addition to IBS I was diagnosed with Crohns and whenever I have to do a colonoscopy during a flare I end up getting worse. To be fair, when you think about it, even if your doctor is excellent, you are shoving a hard camera into the gut. This is why I believe so many see symptoms increase after the procedure. -Elizabeth (team member)

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