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Hip groin and thigh pain due to lower left abdominal pain

Hi all
Been struggling with stress induced IBS D since couple months.
I have been having hip groin and thigh pain that worsens for 2 days and then improves for a day or two, has anyone had same symptom before?
This pain has been on and off for almost 2 weeks and I have been extremely anxious about it. Has anyone felt similar pains before?
Please please please reply

  1. Yes, I have a similar problem. I have no proof it's connected with IBS, but body systems are all part of the same organism, so maybe.
    I do have some marked misalignment of the pelvic area (one hip bone sticks out with a pronounced 'waist', and the other is straight up and down), I think some spinal scoliosis as a result, one leg is at least 1" longer than the other amd I have had lower back pain on and off for many years.
    So...going back to the beginning of my IBS woes which started definitely early March 2020, but which I'd had some episodes of before that date, my lower back started playing up badly around those times. I get lower back ache before bowel movement in the morning. It can be so bad, I am desperate to sit on my "squatty-potty" toilet! Because when in that position my back pain is relieved instantly. After a bm, my back is easier.
    Sometimes when moving about, standing to wash dishes, or walking, especially in the first few hours of the day, I get a pain that travels to my groin and upper thigh. Then there is numbness. My only remedy for it is to squat down for a moment, or to get onto the ground or floor. Then when I stand up again there's a sensation like ice cold sparkling water in there, and the numbness disappears. The feeling travels to maybe about 6" down the front of my thigh.
    After that drama, things are usually better for the rest of the day, though my lower back aches again if I get tired out doing too much physical work.
    I am sure there could be some connection with my IBS.
    I haven't had enough medical attention for it, which is partly my own fault. I am not complaining.

    1. if you are getting numbness and back pain you really need to get checked out. I feel my back issues and him are contributing to my IBS symptoms .I’m currently having the hip and back investigated awaiting more tests

  2. hi I’m suffering with lower abdominal pain just along the top of the pubic bone .It’s like an ache all the time and it’s always much worse after a BM .
    I also have left hip problems and significant back issues too.
    The specialist think my low Abdomen pain could be caused by the hip and back irritating nerves in the lower pelvic area. I get bouts of diarrhea IBS and also urine frequency.
    Does any of the above resonate with you ? Or anyone else reading this pls

    1. Hi , how have you been doing? Have your doctors been able to figure out what's causing the pain? We have recently had quite a few discussions about the connection between back pain and IBS, with some people finding that when they addressed their back problems, the IBS improved. So I'm wondering if this might have been the case for you, too?
      Anyway, I really hope that you have been able to get some answers since your last post. Please keep us updated if you want to. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

  3. Yes I have this but didn’t no why so maybe it’s related to ibs

    1. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, too. Have you ever mentioned this to your doctor? I'm wondering if they could find what's causing it. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

  4. Hi , how have you been feeling since your last update? Have you been able to figure out what's been causing the pain? I really hope that you're doing better now. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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