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How do you self-care?

As you know, the IBS community supports one another in staying healthy and comforting one another when things go awry. Part of staying healthy is engaging in regular self-care. What’s self-care, you ask? Self-care is all about looking after and taking care of yourself – in a healthy way.

In fact – regular self care has been shown to help people improve their mental health, manage pain, have fewer flare ups, and more energy.

It can be hard to put yourself first and attend to your own needs – and so we want to help support you.

Tell us:
What do you do on a regular basis to practice self-care? Share by replying below!

  1. I love doing things that I like to do! Life can be so demanding. Whether it's work, stress, or IBS, something is always pulling at us. So in order to stay afloat, I love delving into hobbies. Maybe it's my newly diagnosed ADHD talking, but hobbies are such a productive, and often creative, way to pass the time. Whether it's sculpting, drawing, or painting, I love being able to focus on something cool and drown out the doldrums of life!

    ~ Sawyer (team member)

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