IBS-C with Acute Appendicitis
I am a 56 year old woman that suffers with chronic gas, bloating, and stomach cramps. I also have acid reflux. I was diagnosed with IBS-C about 20 years ago. About a week ago, I began having the worst stabbing pain in the lower right side of my stomach in between my belly button and my pelvic area. The pain went on for about 2 days, keeping me awake at night and I thought it was a case of really bad gas.
My husband asked me if I wanted to go to the ER but I said no because during this epidemic, I didn't want to be stuck at the hospital alone over night and I was scared. So I took some Mylanta and drank hot Chamomile tea and that seemed to ease the pain a little, then I went to sleep but not peacefully. I went to work the next day but had to leave early to go to the ER and was diagnosed with acute appendicitis. I am currently one week in recovery and I feel much better. I can't say if I'm completely healed from IBS-C but I'm hopeful. The gas has subsided a lot. My prayers for everyone that is battling this awful disease.
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