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Vitamin D for You and for Me

A couple of years ago, when I was particularly unhealthy, my doctor told me I had a vitamin D deficiency. Somehow, I’m guessing I’m not the only one here who has been given this news. I took the high-test vitamin D supplement the doctor recommended and low and behold, I noticed a significant change in my energy and improvement in my mental health. I was aware that a vitamin D deficiency could affect moods and even promote depression/anxiety, but I was not aware, until recently, that vitamin D could provide some support in our struggle with IBS. I thought I would share my findings.

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Vitamin D and gut health

I have been struggling with various health issues, not least my stomach problems (ulcers, IBS, gastritis). Being the responsible soldier I am, I visited several doctors in order to help myself out and find a way back to a place of relative comfort. Obviously, there are blood tests involved with this sort of search for answers and as has happened before; my vitamin D levels were very low. I mentioned that the last time I took D supplements I was struggling with mental health challenges. What I didn’t say is that I had not been having IBS related issues at that time. Well, I am now. This time around, after several weeks taking the supplements, I noticed that my IBS symptoms had become a bit less, uh, dramatic? A bit milder, let’s say. The doctor explained that while good vitamin D levels are known to be a positive factor in our overall health, what generally isn’t known is that vitamin D acts as a kind of catalyst for anti-inflammatory processes that our body performs. Vitamin D can also support bone health, immune function and gut health. It makes sense then, that vitamin D might be a nice addition to our IBS management plan. What is important to remember is that it is important to talk to a doctor about this addition to your wellness regimen. Several professionals have made it clear to me that too many people take supplements when their levels are fine or high, just because they think more is better. I had a doctor that I trust immensely make this suggestion about multi-vitamins. The take away is that it is good to get your doctor’s thoughts on the vitamin D addition before you do it.

Based on what I’ve learned, it seems that many people with IBS may have vitamin D deficiencies. It may make sense then to have your levels checked and make sure they are ok. If they are low, it may be a very simple step between feeling IBS ill and getting a little relief. This is not a cure all, but I believe it may provide a little relief and perhaps will become another source of support for us. We can use all the help we can get, right?

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