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Weird symptoms

I feel something weird
when lay down, i feel a tube like structure in my lower right-hand side of tummy. Sometimes, even I can see it raise and feel pressure.
I started this symptom with bloating and feeling of incomplete evacuation,last year after my missed carriage of one month.
Since then i went to gestro doctors and er.
I have done all blood tests, ct scan and ultrasound. Everything looks normal, and there is no hernia.
Only the doctor suggested is ibs-c.
Is anyone feel the same symptom in ibs? Should I go for colonscopy?

  1. I do get something similar when I'm bloated sometimes, like trapped wind in that area. If you're worried, I would maybe ask for a colonoscopy just to be sure, although I personally haven't had one. I hope other community members will share their experiences with you soon. Karina (team member)

    1. I would ask for a colonoscopy so you can be sure. It's always better to get as much imaging as possible. I hope you get relief soon. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

      1. I feel almost like a bone or solid mass on my left side before my leg meets my grind I have had ultra sounds and cat scan witch shows nothing 🤔 and it dissappears some times i was wondering if it could be backed up stool but nothing shows up on test ever strange I also have ibs c no hernia either if u find out what it is or If I do I will let u know even my gastro is stumped it don't hurt very odd

        1. I have done with colonoscopy. They found only internal hemorrhoids

        2. I guess it's good that they didn't find anything. How do you feel about these results? Did your doctor suggest any treatment plan based on the colonoscopy? Karina (team member)

      2. No I notice it happens all the time when I try to poop it's like my food don't break down no matter what I eat don't seem like flares but I had so many test done and now show nothing wrong I'm taking linzess I took it in the past for a month it helped but now I notice when I take it now I have stabbing pains in my stomach but I do have soft poo I also notice some times linzess makes me feel like I'm getting sick it's like I'm either constipated or when I do start going I'm in pain like there's no in between

        1. That's tough, I'm sorry. 🙁 You're not alone with this though. Could you ask your doctor to try another medication if Linzess makes you feel sick? Karina (team member)

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