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Weight gain

Is it possible to gain weight having IBS even if u keep eating irrespective of the cramps?

  1. Weight gain (or missing that gain) is also my problem now. I also get cramps/gurgling and pain but I force myself to eat something (thankfully I'm still hungry and enjoy the food - just not the part that happens halfway through 😛).
    I think it's possible - you just have to find a way to manage your symptoms. What diet/regiment are you on and what is your type? Dirrhea or Constipation? (or mixed)

    1. Trying to eat every 2 hours . My symptoms are diarrhoea. What I can't seem to understand is that can IBS cause malabsorption?

      1. Have you talked to your doctor about your struggle to gain weight? If not, I would suggest doing that, just so they can rule out anything else. Have you tried working with a dietitian yet? Karina (team member)

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