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weather affecting IBS symptoms!

Someone mentioned that rainy days make their IBS flare up, & I am wondering if it really is barometric pressure or frustration that you cannot go out & do the things that really relax you such as gardening?

  1. Hi , yes, we've been discussing the topic here: and also have an article about it here: For me personally, I think it's actually the weather and not the frustration, because I still go out when it's really humid outside (like right before a thunderstorm), but I just don't feel good. But I think that when it's raining, having to stay inside and not getting any sun can have a negative impact on symptoms as well. What is your experience with that? Karina (team member)

    1. I get the same thing. And I wonder why rainy weather can do this to my IBS. It's been unsettled weather (cooler, some days sunshine, but rain frequently, and then sort of muggy and sticky) here since about the end of June when it had been dry and clear for weeks and weeks. And during June my IBS felt better generally, and it's gone so up and down now for the last 3 weeks or so. My gut has felt unsteady, I am not sleeping as well, and I am frequently exhausted and out of sorts, dizzy a bit when I get up in the morning, feeling slightly queasy sometimes, and aches and pains showing up everywhere, disappearing and starting somewhere else.
      I wonder if it's literally atmospheric pressure, or if part of it like you say is caused by my mind set. I like to work outside too and I often find working on projects and distractions do help me. It's not the actual water involved that I don't like but the grey skies make me feel a bit gloomy.
      I live alone. Chatting with friends is nice but even that I have almost felt too tired for and hasn't cheered me up. I can't afford to get too sensitive to weather as I live in the UK and our weather is notoriously changeable.

      1. I hope the weather will get nicer soon so that you can feel better again. It's frustrating to be sensitive to something that we have no control over whatsoever. Are you planning on traveling somewhere this summer? Karina (team member)

    2. Thank you. I hope you are not too bad at the moment?
      I don't know where you live, Karina, but if you live in the States, especially southern regions, the heat must be unbearable and making everyone's lives almost impossible to do.
      That is actually making me grateful for our cooler conditions over here, and a few showers.
      I am not doing too badly. Tummy could be worse.
      I live in the most beautiful place. So I have no desire to travel anywhere. Plus I'm getting on in years which might have something to do with my wanderlust being at almost zero. Also, I never was much of a traveller. The fuss at airports....train stations....getting up at the crack of dawn to be stressed exhausting it all is, just to find you can't feel comfortable in a hotel bed or can't eat much of the food, or it's way too hot.
      It really isn't worth it, and fortunately I only have to answer to myself.

      But I do drive to different places not so far away; to woodlands where I like to walk.

      1. It's good that you're doing alright, even if it could be better. I'm doing okay, too, thank you for asking. I actually live in France, so the weather conditions are somewhat similar to the UK at the moment. I honestly don't know how people deal with extreme heat, even without IBS.
        Spending the summer at your beautiful place sounds lovely! Honestly, since having small children and moving away from the big city, I have much less desire to travel as well. We don't have an airport nearby and nowhere is as comfortable as home. Instead, we also take short trips to different places in our area. Although my husband doesn't agree, so he's currently on a week-long trip with his family. 😉 Karina (team member)

    3. I hope where you are in France is not too hot, Karina, Southern France is in the extreme heatwave so I heard. I have also heard that the heatwave is likely to spread to Poland, Germany and France (?? difficult to know which regions of France they mean.)

      I don't mind heatwaves, or those below freezing times in winter. I think what gets to me most is when it's gloomy and raining, and extreme humidity. But of course, UK heatwaves are never too bad, and where I am, the temperature rarely goes above 85F (about 28 C). I stay in the shady areas mostly.

      Haha...husbands and children! They probably like adventures. Send them all off on a camping trip. Wilderness survival. Cooking sausages over a camp fire. And you get some "me time" lol !

      1. I'm not in the south of France thankfully, so it doesn't usually get that hot. Although last year we had lots of days at 38/39 °C (around 100 °F) and it wasn't fun. We decided to get an A/C unit installed after that. I personally don't deal well with heatwaves, but the humidity is still worse. 85 °F/28 °C sounds like a perfect temperature to me. 😉 I remember always being cold in the summer when I lived in the UK!
        Haha, I wish I could get some me-time during my husband's trips but the kids usually stay home with me. I'll send them on a camping trip together when they're older. 😉 Karina (team member)

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