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Upset belly, could this be a virus or just IBS?

Today I stayed off work because my belly has been bubbling and gurgling all day. I keep doing rotten smelling farts and bad burps as well. Each time I feel a burp coming I get a bad indigestion pain across my chest until it comes out.
I've just been sipping water all day, took some antacids but it hasn't eased my painful belly and flatulence, though the burps taste less foul now.
So now I'm just relaxing in the recliner chair in my nightie rubbing my tummy with my hand. I've never known a belly to make so much noise and the farts aren't relieving at all, they just fill the room with a rotten eggy smell.

I've lost my appetite, which isn't like me. Does this sound like IBS or some sort of virus? I haven't been sick nor had a bowel movement. But I'm just very uncomfortable and windy.

  1. I'm so sorry you're feeling this bad today. 🙁 In my experience, strange and very strong "flares" that come out of nowhere can definitely be viruses. I just had one of those two weeks ago, where I suddenly started feeling bad, thinking I had eaten something wrong and then it ended up being a full-blown stomach bug. But I also have small children who bring these things home a lot...
    For right now, I wouldn't worry about it and just focus on getting better. You can always take note of what you ate during the past day just in case.
    Wishing you quick relief,
    Karina (team member)

    1. What Karina said--and I would add that I, too, often have the very symptoms you describe. Most recently, just a day or so ago. My IBS is constant, and I am windy every day. But only foul-smelling from time to time. For me it is just part of the cycle. Possibly connected to what I have eaten, but I eat the same diet pretty consistently. So, diet-related or inexplicable, and likely not viral. I hope you are starting to feel better now. Best, Kim, moderator

      1. The way I look at it, the way to treat a tummy bug, mild food poisoning, OR a bad IBS flare, is the same strategy.

        Keep fluids (without additives, or artificial sweeteners etc) and electrolytes going and WHEN you are hungry or feel any appetite at all, eat very bland foods indeed or anything that really suits you, in small amounts until you get more steady. Fast on fluids only if you really are unable to face solid food.

        So what matters is feeling better. Right?
        It's not for ever, just until you get your digestive balance back to its fairly normal manageable state.

        I am sure you know bad red flags to watch for, and when to call for medical help. I hope you are over this "whatever-it-is" very soon!

        Let this serve as a lesson for anyone who might read it who doesn't have IBS and underestimates it! Yes, IBS can be as bad as food poisoning or a stomach virus!

        1. Have you seen this article: about sulfur and IBS? It mentions that excess sulfur can cause gas that smells like rotten eggs. Since you used a similar term in your forum, I'm wondering if something like this could be the cause.
          Please let me know if this is helpful or not!
          I hope you're feeling a lot better by now.
          All the best, Karina (team member)

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