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Update: lab test

Hello guys i will having anorectal manometry on this friday to see if my muscle strength at my bottom fo see if there are weak muscle that affects my bowel movement is anybody of you guys have done this before?

  1. I haven't had this test done before but I'm sure others in the community will son chime in. I actually never heard of this test.

    I hope you get positive results and will be able to use the information to improve symptoms. Wishing you the best, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. im afraid to what will be the results coz my symptoms came from no where

    2. I hear you. I think that is perfectly normal to be afraid. Just know you are doing the right thing in taking the steps to find out factual information to help get you feeling better. Just assuming and wondering will only cause more harm, so soon you will get answers and can move forward accordingly. -Elizabeth (team member)

  2. I'm glad that you're finally getting this test done, although I completely understand why you're nervous about it. I agree with Elizabeth that you're taking the right steps to figuring out the cause of your symptoms. Even if something is wrong, you'll be able to address it much better if you know what it is!
    Did you doctor explain how the test is conducted? At least it doesn't seem like you'll have to fast for a long time.
    Please keep us updated after you get the results!
    Sending positive thoughts, Karina (team member)

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