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Undiagnosed IBS

Hi 😀

My Dr suggested trying out some IBS forums to seek advise and share stories, as I've just had my first nasty flare up in over a year and am feeling pretty deflated.

I'm as yet undiagnosed. I've had many tests and they've always come back as "normal", but as my Dr said today, it's very likely to be IBS, it's just a tricky thing to diagnose. What have everyone else's diagnosis journeys looked like?

I've always had a sensitive stomach, usually emotion related, but after I caught covid back in 2020 whilst simultaneously experiencing an emotionally/physically draining life event, my symptoms just went wild. Best part of a year with out a happy bowel movement, waking up in the night/every morning and being in a lot of pain for an hour or more, diarrhea, sometimes vomiting too, juggling work etc. Luckily this did pass with a lot of TLC and quitting a job and other things, and like I said for the last year I've been mainly symptom free (still having suspect/unsatisfying bowel movements, especially whilst pre-menstrual, but no pain and minimal bloating/discomfort - which felt like such a win after the year of doom haha).

Then 2 weeks ago I woke up in a lot of pain, lasted an hour or so with a lot of toilet trips, then following that I've had a lot of discomfort, bloating, brain fog and fatigue. I've had to miss a couple of working days over the last 2 weeks, and I'm feeling a lot of guilt about that.

Reading some of the other posts - your stories sound so similar, and it's already comforting to see that other people experience the same things, and are managing it (not that I wish this on any of you or anyone, but it's validating to know that the struggle is real!)

I'd love to hear some diagnosis journies and advice on navigating IBS alongside work and life, some dietary suggestions too would be amazing. I'm vegetarian and eat a well balanced diet, have largely cut out dairy, but have recently been considering integrating some animal protein back into my diet - I don't really want to, but am feeling desperate. Everyone's triggers are different I guess, but one thing that stuck out in another post I read on here was white rice! I ALWAYS crave this, with some flaky salt on top after a flare up. It's often the only thing I actually want to eat post-flare, or any illness really. And also - potatoes! I think I might (heart breakingly) have a sensitivity to them...

Anyway, long message. Hope everyone is enjoying a happy tummy day!


  1. So happy to have you as part of this community. I think the fact that you joined is such a win. I wish I would have joined a community like this at the onset of my diagnosis.

    Some tips I would share, is diet and lifestyle change were the biggest aspects that gave me symptom relief. Cutting out wheat and gluten completely from my diet was huge in making me feel better. Everyone is different so perhaps this change won't be a dramatic win for you, but for me it was. I handle dairy well but I make sure I eat high quality, organic dairy. And that goes for all my food.

    Minimize processed anything especially stay away from soda, fast food--all the bad stuff. Fish is always a good idea. Steamed or cooked veggies. Advocate for yourself and look into recipes that cook fresh food and are minimally processed.

    Light exercise and light weight lifting is so important as well. Sunshine everyday. Lots of water. I take a probiotic daily and take beef liver and beef intestine capsules. Anyways, I feel like can go on and on. Please feel free to reach out if you want more info.

    Also seeing a therapist is key. I started seeing one and healing ourselves of past trauma, and trust me even if we think we don't have any, we do. Is so key to our physical health. A lot of emotion and memories get lodged and stuck in our intestines. Sounds weird, but it's true. Therapy is always a good idea.

    Elizabeth (team member)

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