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Triple-fried chips, fried eggs, Jelly Babies....Lovely Day!

I went out, to the seaside with friends plus dogs today. The sky was the deepest blue and a wind was blowing off the sea. It was a lovely day.
Food came on the agenda. Then I was so hungry that I was ready to eat anything. But I had to be somewhat sensible.
Menus in Inns and pubs and restaurants are always tricky. You never know what's IN something. It might be one ingredient that upsets the tummy. It might be the oils something is fried in, or the fact that it's fried at all, or it might be onion or a herb added to the vegeburger.
So I scanned the list and there was simply nothing that I could trust. Even the fish, and I am usually okay with any fish. But "Beer-battered Cod"?? I didn't think so.
No, a restuarant isn't going to plain-grill or steam you a Trout. Tne only Trout is the one marinated in so-and-so sauce with so-and-so dressing....etc.

So they did me double fried eggs and chips (which are English "fries" )
It just so happened that these fries were triple-cooked. It also happened that they were the very best I have ever tasted in my whole life. Indescribable.
If chips exist in Heaven they will be like this.
Fried eggs. I hadn't eaten eggs fried for over two years.
I ate the lot.
We went on the beach, had a great time with the dogs, and my belly was quiet and seemed very happy!
A friend gave me a handful of "Jelly Babies". That was dessert! Jelly Babies are English for "dubious jelly sweets with goodness -knows what ingredients....probably sorbitol or xylitol, and I am sure absolutely zero nutritional value."
I didn't say no, and ate them just because I could.
Deep blue sky, sea birds hovering skilfully on the wind, dogs racing with joy on the sand. Jelly Babies. I am heading for 70 but felt like I was 10 again.

Then when I came home I was hungry again! So with a completely messed-up eating schedule, decided to experiment again with Avocado salad.

Oh what a fun day.
So far, no dramas at all and tummy doesn't seem annoyed.
We will see what happens tomorrow, but it was nice to spend a day doing some old-fashioned things.
I had missed fried eggs and chips like you wouldn't believe.
I hadn't eaten Jelly Babies since the 1980s.....
Wish me luck..... (lol)

  1. Reading this gave me so much joy and happiness! I am so happy you were able to feel free and just be present and enjoy the serenity of the seaside with your friends and dogs. What an amazing day that sounds. And to just go eat somewhere and not have any symptoms is bliss. I hope you get more of these days ahead. Hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I'm glad it made you feel happy to read about my day at the beach!
      I can't say I got off scot-free. My lower tummy is like a little football today. but nothing worse has happened. So far. Anyway it was worth it.
      It was a bit extra extreme to think about experimenting with avocado salad when I got home.
      I just get fed up with having to be ultra-careful all the time. Of course, my payment will have to be a few more careful days. I can see that from the way my lower tummy has swelled up. Honestly, my gut is like a sulky teenager!

      1. lol! You're writing is so descriptive. A sulky teenager is a great way to describe our plight sometimes. And I hear you. Sometimes we get brazen but hey, life is short. You had a great day and now you have a great memory. I hope the next days you can recuperate and start feeling better soon. -Elizabeth (team member)

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