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Terrible flare up

I am completely new here, and I will admit, completely lost and a bit hopeless.
I was diagnosed with IBS about 18 years ago. It was sort of managable. I get more diarrhea then constipation. I have a couple of food intolerances like dairy, eggs, caffeine, garlic as well as ceoliac’s disease.
Things started getting worse in 2015 after I got my gallbladder removed. I have terrible acid reflux(I take Pantoprazole twice a day) as well as slow digestion(I take Domperidone twice a day.
Since 2015 things have gotten worse every year. For almost two years now I’ve had chronic nausea coming from my oesophagus. It got really bad this summer as I lost all appetite and was unable to eat.
I’m being followed by a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist. Now I’m able to eat about a meal and a half a day, the rest of the time I take Boost for supplements.
I have been unable to work or go to school since July. The doctors don’t know what’s wrong. I took tests as well as colonoscopies and endoscopies, but no real results, only that there is inflammation in my blood.

Is it commun for IBS to have such strong flare ups? And is there something to do?
Thank you for reading.

  1. sorry you have to go through that. Have you checked your sinuses? And do you have any issues related to that? I often have issues with sinuses and then I have postnasal drip which causes flare ups. I guess it happens from mucus and bacteria. Also, what proved like an amazing thing for me for nausea from too much acid is herb medicine called Reflustat (based on algae). It was a lifesaver for me. Of course, if you have problems with production of too much acid, that should be cured and treated by your doctor, this is just for temporary relief.

    I wish you to feel better soon.

    1. So sorry you are going through this! Wondering if biopsies were taken during your colonoscopy? Also, have you been tested for H. Pylori? I went through a period where I literally had zero hunger. I had to force myself to eat and it turned out I had H. Pylori infection. Maybe ask your doctor about this? -Elizabeth (team member)

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