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Synthetic Citric Acid BLACK MOLD

Allergic Reaction

1 Bloating
2 Flatulence
3 Joint Pain
4 Tiredness
5 General feeling of being unwell

Do the above sound familiar ?

Synthetic Citric Acid is Made using using what is Commonly known as Black Mold

99 % of Citric Acid in food is Synthetic

I have serious aversion to it , anyone else ?

  1. You see Citric acid Listed as an Ingredient Your thinking Fruit Juice

    This has to be causing Digestive Problems to a Small percentage of Folks

    1. Wow...thanks Joe. I had NO idea synthetic citric acid was made from mould!!
      Gosh. We see "citric acid" as an ingredient in many foods (mostly processed) Fortunately the only processed food I eat are a certain kind of bread that suits me and chocolate. Neither of which contain that. But I agree, it's everywhere! It sounds terribly toxic. So many people would never suspect it might be causing their symptoms.
      I definitely like to learn new things. Thanks.

      1. I agree, especially since we know that mold can cause tons of problems. I don't understand why things like that have to be in our food. 🙁 Karina (team member)

    2. That's so interesting, I had no idea! It's so strange though, I can find tons of articles from the US about this, but not a single one in French (I live in France). All the websites still say that it's a perfectly safe additive.. thank you so much for sharing this information with us. Karina (team member)

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