Having lasting success with Centerpointe, Mind Trax and Learning Strategies recordings but it's work. I let go a particular Silva Method meditation - count down from 50, create image of self happy, attractive, consult memories to seek cause of rage/sadness and imagine mtg perps to acknowledge harm, confront, reconcile, forgive one another and let the hard feelings and harm go - and explosions began again every 4 days or so.
They say it takes 90 days of repetition to re-educate subconscious. Had thought I was done but no. I didn't enjoy reliving the bad memories but necessary to ensure they go w/o further injury. Better again now after just a few days of resuming Silva meditation.
Memory may become a physical thing. Since beginning this mental discipline I have felt things moving around inside, changing. In a good way. Grateful to have the time to devote to this program.
Exercise complements, helps. Not yet comfortable walking in this hood as there are no public toilets but elliptical trainer at home plus weights plus deep knee bends - a full regimen every second day - seems to be repeatable. Training old knees to be able to resume floor exercises, incl a new roly poly wheel thing for abs. Good to have such goals to meet.
Ongoing commitment of at least an hour a day usually more but am drug free except for Immodium occasionally. Feel pretty confident I'll get rid of that too pretty soon.
Identifying asthma puffers as possible IBS cause then tossing them was a significant breakthru. Asthma no longer a problem so double win.
Anyone else working a successful plan to regain control of health/life?