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Anyone’s IBS start after SSRI use

Has any user on this forum noticed that their IBS started while on SSRIs or during the withdrawal from them?

Seeing as the majority of Serotonin is made in the gut and SSRIS inhibit the reuptake of Serotonin, is it beyond the realms of possibility that SSRIs screw up normal gut digestion. I also believe they negatively affect the vagus nerve which controls normal digestion.

  1. Now that u mention it... the timeline of my SSRI use and IBS first symptoms would coincide. I did stop the use of SSRI about 15 years ago once the misdiagnosis was discovered and I actually just needed VitD as I have SAD. But I was on them for a handful of years. I can say once I got off them my symptoms not only persisted but they have gotten worse year after year. I now have IMO and will start antibiotics when the meds arrive next month.

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