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Has anyone ever been unable to so much as simply 'sit down' without experiencing excruciating pain?

Serious question. Is this something indicative of what IBS sufferers experience?

  1. Thanks for reaching out. IBS symptoms do vary from person to person. It's so important that you speak with your doctor about any new, changing or concerning symptoms, if you haven't already. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article gives a great overview of IBS Symptoms, including abdominal, that may be helpful to you: Wishing you some answers and relief very soon. Best, Kelly, Team Member

    1. Thank you for the IBD link, Karina. I did not know there was a community forum similar to this one for sufferers of that disease. I'm currently on the Crohn's forum and that website is of really low quality and more or less serves as a support forum for parents of children afflicted with the disease (Imo). I'm going to go and sign up for that website and ask this question there as well.

      I have phrased this question similarly on two other forums as well. The reason I'm doing this is so that I at least have SOME sort of guideline as to what other sufferers are experiencing in their endeavours. As I've mentioned earlier, it is up to me to advocate for myself and to ask for certain medical treatments. If I'm to be successful in my pursuit of getting better, I need to have my ducks lined up.

      I contacted the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada and they told me to go into the ER and DEMAND a gastroenterologist be assigned to my file. I'm planning to do something in that regard in that I'm going to go to the ER and demand to just speak to a gastrenterologist and ask them what I can do to prove or disprove of IBD vs IBS. Last time I reported there I took pictures of the blood in the toilet bowl and despite showing the doctor that, he said he still felt strongly that I was suffering from IBS, but said he couldn't completely rule out IBD (great doctor, hey?).

      These doctors either don't know or do not want to help. I welcome IBS if it is, but unfortunately I just don't think that's what I'm suffering from.

      As an aside, not sure if you're from the States, but if you are and have to 'pay' for your healthcare and lament over having to do so in reflection of what's offered over here in Canada, don't. The grass is not always greener on the other side. I'm going to leave you a link to read at your convenience, it's another IBD forum that mentions someone's struggles with the disease and highlights some of my own experiences with having been told it's "all in my head." Not sure if this sort of unfair accusation occurs in the States, but it often happens here in Canada.

    2. I can't believe the doctor told you that! It's like they don't even want to help... 🙁
      I'm actually in France and the system is completely different here. We have pretty good healthcare and access to doctors in general, however, I still got no help at all after seeing several doctors and gastroenterologists. They did test me for everything though, so at least I had a diagnosis.
      The argument that "it's all in our heads" is a pretty common one worldwide from what I've heard, at least for IBS sufferers. It's really frustrating and not true at all.
      Please let us know how it goes the next time you go into the ER to demand a gastroenterologist!
      Sending positive thoughts, Karina (team member)

  2. I agree that it would be a good idea to be with a GI specialist doctor. It can be easy to get "fobbed off" with IBS. Maybe a preliminary stool test possibly could tell if you have inflammatory markers which may need further investigation? That is such a simple test but would need a GI doctor on board, or at least a doctor with some intelligence! for interpretation.

    I do sometimes get terrible pain where I cannot sit down, but it is from proctalgia fugax, which is a really horrendous pain which only lasts maximum 20 minutes with me and usually less. Occasionally I get attacks of that but when it's gone, it's definitely gone and doesn't linger. I can lie down, but daren't sit during it. But no position really helps until it goes. I am not recommending anyone else do this, but the only thing that eases that pain is a shot of alcohol. It doesn't last long enough for a painkiller to have time to take effect, but alcohol will ease it in a couple of minutes.

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