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Pico prep

I did the colonoscopy pre yesterday to clear a backload of crap in my colon. Oh, the pain today. My colon is angry and raw I guess from loosing it's blanket of poop insulation. My guts are singing and laughing at me I'm sure.

  1. I'm so sorry to hear! My mom is prepping for a colonoscopy this weekend and isn't thrilled about it, either! How have you been feeling today? I hope that your poop insulation kicks back in with grace. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Wishing you a gentle and symptom-free day! ~ Sawyer (team member)

    1. I have come to hospital. Been on Movicol for weeks. Took 8 movicols in the last 24 hours, 8 senna tablets and tons of water. No poop. IBS is killing me

      1. Hospital is sending me home to do more Pico Prep. Either that or do it in hospital. No magical surgery to remove the poop. No pain relief

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