Does anyone notice Daily or weekly patterns with their issues?
I know Anxiety has patterns that we need to be aware of. But I'm noticing that my Bowel can be very sluggish on Mondays, but come Tuesdays my Bowel is out of control (now slightly over active) despite my constant incomplete evacuation!
Just a pattern I've noticed. I've sometimes worked from home Tuesdays and even called in before.
I'm thinking some of it is changes in sleeping/meals etc on the weekend. I try to keep the same patterns on the weekends, but let's face it, sometimes you eat a meal a little later or feel like staying up a bit later.
But Anxiety and Depression play a HUGE role in my IBS and I know I get super anxious on Sundays thinking about the week starting...
One of my big goals for 2019 is to be more cognizant of my IBS symptoms, but even more of my thought patterns. You can trace / track food and IBS symptoms, but I feel like my mental health takes such a big toll on me that I need to focus on the following:
First catch the "thinking errors" and then, second having ways to "disarm" them and get back to a better/neutral place mentally.
I just bought a pack of ACT cards, so I can practice some new thought habits on a daily basis. ACT stands for acceptance and commitment therapy.
I'm also trying Tony Robbin's Priming "Technique" in the Mornings for the new year. This is sometimes hard when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, ha.
What are your Patterns?
What are your 2019 Health Goals?