I'm new here and dont have any diagnosis as of yet. I'm male and 49. I've looked online but dont seem to get any answers. I've read ibs symptoms but still no wiser really.
My main symptom is pain. However, my pain is at least an inch or 2 above the belly button, probably halfway between my sternum and belly button. Its pretty much central or sometimes a little to the right under my rib. I've had it a few weeks constantly now but it's been intermittent for months.
The pain feels gnarly, and paracetamol doesn't help much.
My question to you guys who suffer from ibs Is it possible for the pains to be that high up and still be ibs or would it be a stomach issue. I've looked at anatomy pics to see where the transverse colon is, but they all differ some show it on belly button, some show really high up.
Pain is worse when I'm laid down trying to sleep and hurts more if I rest my hand on my abdomen.
I had an endoscopy 10 months ago as I was having swallowing issues. This came back normal although I do worry if they missed something. I also take ppi so I doubt its anything like an ulcer.
I do get diarrhea / Very soft stools most days but I'm very regular once per day. No mucus. I do suffer from anxiety and currently take 10mg amitriptyline which I've taken for 10 years so not new. I've not changed my diet which consists of bran flakes in a morning, sandwich for lunch and a normal tea. I'm not gluten intolerant. It doesn't get any worse or any better with food or s bm.
Could it still be ibs where the pain is only in the upper abdominals?