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Never ending flare up

Hi everyone,

I have been diagnosed with IBS for five months now but have had symptoms for over a year. I am also anaemic as a result of having IBS. My doctor is not the most helpful in providing me with information about IBS and I'm slowly becoming worried as I thought with IBS you have flare-ups yet I have had persistent symptoms for over a year. No day is a good day for me.
More recently I have been struggling to digest food and suffer badly with acid reflux which in turn makes me sick daily (which is often bile)and had resulted in me losing 2 stone in just under 3 months. I am irritable, exhausted, weak, losing muscle, burp frequently, clammy, abdominal burning, chest pain (only sometimes).
My doctor now thinks I have peptic ulcers but has not offered me any advice on what to do to relieve the pain - does anyone have any recommendations?
Also, is there any advice out there for my other symptoms as most home remedies and medication isn't successful.

  1. I'm really sorry you are going through this. Are you able to switch doctors? It sounds like yours is not going to be the one to spearhead you getting better. If possible, I would definitely change asap. Also, I am wondering if you have explored any diet change? I find that food can really be medicine. Do you have any access to a Dietician to help with that? As far as remedies, I think all I can offer is bone broth/chicken broth. I drink that when I am in a flare and it is always so soothing and helpful. When I am in pain I use a heating pad to help ease the abdominal discomfort. And chamomile tea helps soothe my stomach as well. I hope this helps some. Feel better soon. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I am glad you posted as I have been diagnosed with IBS-d for about a year and a half. I have GERD and when flare-ups get bad my stomach issues really act up as it sounds as yours does. The doctor's issue is a familiar one and unfortunately, most doctors aren't as Dr. House on TV. They tell you only what's in the books or the latest pharmaceuticals and move you on down the line. Although I have had some success with Viberzi and Dicyclomine they do little to stop flare-ups they just hel[ to tolerate them a little better. I still have all the embarrassment that comes with IBS-d and their flare-ups. I am sorry to say that you will have greater success reading articles and forums and trying various items to see what works best. I have tried many products and vitamins with short-term success but back to the basics. The only thing that I can say that I have had success and helps with both the IBS-d and stomach issues is that I take calcium. I started with Caltrate but now I take Calcium Carbonate. I have taken what works for me by trial and error because the Calcium Carbonate will stop things up. The calcium will absorb the liquid and drink plenty of water though to keep things moving. The point being it is rare to find a "good" or a doctor that has little more to offer than the standard pharmaceuticals so you will have find most of what will make you feel better on your own or at least in my experiences.

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