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Morning rumbling/loud stomach anyone else have?

I have posted before regarding IBS-D symptoms for 8 weeks now.

I am wondering does anyone awake to your stomach making loud noises like rumbling and gurgling?

This morning it was really loud with a few sudden sharp stomach pains followed by a fast flow of diarrhea with gas at the end.

I have been so upset lately awaiting my colonoscopy.

I have my period.

I just keep thinking it is something more than IBS.

Yet, these are the symptoms I have in the past and nothing has really changed .

The only thing different is the length of this epoxied.

Any body have this?


  1. Whenever I am on my period, my gut acts up. It's the hormones. Do you find you improve a bit when you are off your period? If so, it is definitely a hormonal thing and that will only improve when your gut improves. Are you on any treatment for your gut symptoms? Also, how is your diet looking? Best, Elizabeth (team member)

    1. I have multiple chronic pain conditions and autoimmune pain diseases, stage 3 kidney disease, and IBS D , the pain conditions definetly make the IBS symptoms worse, and visa versa, and the medications for the pain conditions can affect the IBS negatively as well.. its a balancing act , knowing how to treat the symptoms besides the medications, and knowing what treatments will work each time, because it is different each time. So glad to have found this community to talk about embarrassing symptoms with others without having to feel shame.

    2. Sorry you are dealing with multiple conditions. That is hard and I hope today is a better day for you. It certainly is difficult treating one condition but then dealing with it affecting another negatively. It can feel like sometimes you can't win. Sending strength your way today. So happy you are part of our community. We are always here to offer support. Big hugs, Elizabeth (team member)

  2. Your worry about the colonoscopy, what else beside IBS it could be, plus a difficult period sounds like the perfect storm for you at the moment. I remember a simple calprotectin stool test set me off on a flare up a while back. My gut had been okay really for a few days but the stress about the test (my hands were shaking!) gave me a flare for a couple of days.
    Stress is a big trigger for many of us.

    Yes, I do get a growling tummy sometimes when I wake up. I mistake it for hunger sometimes, and sometimes it's just that. But other times it's just a complaining gut.
    For some reason I pass a LOT of wind on first waking and getting up, like a lot of air has to come out of me. It's just like air, not a noxious thing. But I don't know why that happens.

    1. Interesting you bring that up about passing wind in the morning. I am the same way. I'm just taking a guess, but I believe it's the gut flora out of whack. Recently, for the first time I have seen major improvement in my mornings since I started eating much better and being diligent with taking my supplements. -Elizabeth (team member)

  3. yes my gut is always making grumbling noise, its embarrassing when Im with other people,, I rarely go out, and never to a restaurant, I have to be near a bathroom all the time.. at first my IBS was with constipation,, and I was constantly in the E.R> with horrible abdominal and intestinal pain,, of course they could never find a reason or diagnosis, until I was finally diagnosed with IBS at about 30 years of age,, I am now 61. Now my IBS is with diarrhea,, which is so limiting as to going anywhere, or God forbid going to a family function,,, often I have to change clothes and take a quick bath because I went in my sleep . ugh, such an embarrassing and humiliating condition. So glad to have found this support site. I dont talk about it with anyone, not even my husband, its to embarrassing.

    1. I can understand how you may feel. I wish all people get well including you and live a comfortable life

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