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Legitimate treatment options/approaches to 'IBS'

I'm new here, and I might have to live with this so-called IBS for a bit.

The doctors have queried that I have IBS. Personally, I think I have IBD. Crohn's disease, ileocolitis, to be specific. This pain is NOT something made up in my head. If it was, I wouldn't awaken in the middle of the night due to pain from having rolled over onto my tummy or right side. But regardless, I suppose they'll see through to it to put me through an agonizing ordeal before they maybe consider it's a lot more serious than they're making it out to be.

Besides 'gut hypnotherapy,' what sorts of drugs/treatment options are available for this made-up-in-your-mind bullshit they try to sell you on? I cannot so much as sit down without feeling like a bomb has detonated just above my lower right hip. I tried taking one 200mg Advil liquigel and experienced EXCRUCIATING intestinal spasms that lasted for about 40 minutes, every 15-20 seconds or so (I suppose my mind conjured up that painful episode as well).

I really need to 'get better' so that I can sit down for a JOB INTERVIEW. I cannot see any job interviewer in their right state of mind hiring me when they're in the middle of a question and I jump up in pain screaming and scare the shit out of them.

And before you say "talk to your doctor" I live in Canada, our 'free healthcare' comes with a steep price in that, we don't really have the best doctors... You could hardly call them doctors, to be honest. I've been to two different medical facilities and both physicians I've spoken with have told me I have IBS but refuse to offer anything further in regards to a treatment plan or a way of getting better. They just sort of tell you that you have IBS, and then stare at you awkwardly. The most I was offered was Cymbalta, a black box antidepressant when I had asked for a PAIN REMEDY. The state of our healthcare is what makes me depressed, not whatever it is that is afflicting me.

It's up to ME to find out what I need to on the internet and then go medicentre to medicentre, asking different doctors if they'd be willing to sign off on a plan. And that advice is coming straight from the person on the phone from the office of the health advocate.

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain and aren't getting any help from your doctors. I feel you, it's so frustrating!

    In order to be diagnosed with IBS, they usually perform all sorts of tests to rule out other illnesses like IBD (as described here, for example: If no tests have been done so far, I would definitely keep insisting because the treatment would be entirely different.
    Here are some articles about the difference between IBS and IBD:

    As for IBS "being all in your head", that's a common misconception but not actually true. More on that here:

    Unfortunately, it's very common for IBS sufferers to not get much help from doctors... after my diagnosis, they just sent me home without any information whatsoever.
    Here are a couple of things you can do to get your symptoms under control:
    - the Low FODMAP diet:
    - keep a food diary to help identify what foods might trigger your symptoms
    - prebiotics or probiotics (you should discuss those with a pharmacist or doctor though, as there are so many different kinds)
    Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for IBS and it can take a while to figure out triggers and what helps you specifically. Some people also get relief from different medications, but you would need to see a doctor for that.

    In the menu on our website, you'll find plenty of articles about different treatment options as well. And here's our section about chronic pain, as this seems to be your main symptom:

    I hope this helps. I'll also tag who has both IBD and IBS and can maybe tell you more about that part of your question.

    Wishing you all the best,
    Karina (team member)

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this. Could it be you have an abscess? That is what could be causing the excruciating pain? You would need imaging to show if you have one or not. And from what you are describing it could very well be that you are dealing with IBD. Do you also get bloody stool?

      Here is an article that goes over diagnostic testing for IBD:

      Typically you get a colonoscopy with biopsies and bloodwork for diagnosis.

      Also here is an article that describes symptoms of IBD:

      I am so sorry you are going through all this and not getting the support you need from a medical team. I have been diagnosed with both IBD and IBS. Don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions.

      I hope you get relief soon,
      Elizabeth (team member)

      1. I think I do have blood in my stool, but I'm not entirely certain. Sometimes, they come out looking black, not fully black, but parts of it are easily distinguishable. It's like there's bleeding occurring somewhere in my upper GI tract. I have no idea what it is. Because of the EXTREME reaction I had from taking Advil I'm inclined to think it's IBD and not IBS like they are saying.

        The pain is always in the same place, right where I believe my ileococal valve feeds into my large intestine. I showed up to the ER thinking I had appendicitis, they did a ct scan and supposedly found nothing. Said my appendix was perfectly fine. I think I might have been in a point of 'remission' when that had occurred though, this pain comes and goes. Some days it's worse than other days. It was three days since I experienced that 'attack' when I showed up to the ER. The first snowfall of the season occurred here where morons magically forget how to drive and the ER is usually PACKED with car accident victims.

        I have not had explosive pain like that episode back in September, but then again, I've literally gone MONTHS without sitting down in a chair or a vehicle, I've been managing by kneeling on an exercise mat at home or lying down in bed or just standing altogether. The pain has left me TERRIFIED of putting any weight or pressure on that area. I'm not exaggerating or being dramatic, I absolutely REFUSE to sit down until I am reassured that I won't have to EVER feel that pain again. I woke up to having four wisdom teeth extracted when I was 19, I was out for close to a week with pain. That was a cakewalk compared to what I felt in September.

        I know I need a scope in order to TRULY get to the bottom of this. But here's the catch: in order to get one of those (here in Canada anyways) I need to snag an appointment with a gastroenterologist. In order to see one of those specialists, I need a referral letter written on my behalf. So far, six different gastroenterologists have turned down my referral due to, and I quote, "not having any time to see me." Yeah, the doctor I was using is a real piece of shit.

        I NEED some sort of substantiating evidence behind the referral letter to reassure the GI's that seeing me is not a waste of their time. And for that, I think a fecal calprotectin might be my best chance of proving or disproving of either or. But here's the thing: I don't want to provide the WRONG sample for that and be labelled as an IBS sufferer if I'm in remission or something. I think that's what happened with the faulty ct scan that was done that didn't show any signs of IBD. I want to be at my absolute worst with fully inflamed bowels before I give them a sample. I'm just not entirely certain of what signs to look for or to observe to truly know when I'm in an IBD flare up. I mean I think I do, but I'm not an expert nor have I been advised by any 'experts' on how to proceed forth. I feel like I'm in the right room, but I can't navigate due to not only being blindfolded, but also being in the dark (hopefully that analogy makes sense).

      2. If your stool is black that is blood somewhere in the upper GI track. Also, if you have any sort of GI issue like IBD or IBS, Advil or NSAIDs are never ever recommended as they cause GI bleeding and other complications. You can read it on the back of the bottle. But all GI's forbid their IBD patients to take NSAIDs.

        I really wish I had more help to offer you. You just need to see a GI as quick as possible to get proper treatment and care. Perhaps the fecal calprotectin test would be a good way to start. I hate that you have to jump hoops just to get care. Rooting for you and I'm hoping you get seen by a doctor asap.

        Sending strength and patience your way,
        Elizabeth (team member)

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