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Just thought some good news would be nice to read. :)

I'm over the moon!
I saw my doctor again today as we have both been suspecting the IBS hasn't come alone and we figured out that it indeed has not.

I got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, GERD and suspected raynauds disease. It is amazing to finally have some idea of some of the things I'm dealing with!

In particular I'm struggling with mobility, I'm only 18 and I've never had issues with it before so it was really upsetting and does confine me to the house most of the time. Tonight I went for a walk with a friend and brought along a cane I got and it helps massively. Being able to distribute weight depending on what hurts and something to keep me up when those awful constant dizzy spells hit is a genuine comfort.

The doctor also said she would expedite my referal to a specialist as the wait time is a year and as I still can't eat properly she's worried about that wait. It feels incredible to have a medical professional actually take me seriously and I couldn't be happier!

If anyone out there is feeling hopeless and lost with their circumstances at the moment remember - you will either find a way or make one!

  1. This is awesome! It must feel so relieving to have some kind of explanation for your symptoms. And I am so glad you have a doctor who is listening to you and advocating for you! I'm excited for you as you begin the journey to feeling better. Thank you for sharing this with us! ~Michaela ( Team Member)

    1. It does feel amazing to be taken seriously. Thank you for your lovely words!

  2. I'm so glad that you've found such an amazing doctor who cares about helping you! Was it the one you went to see at the hospital?
    I hope you'll get to see the specialist very soon and be able to address all of your symptoms. Have you received any prescriptions or tips on how to handle them in the mean time?
    Sending hugs, Karina (team member)

    1. Thank you so much! I haven't seen any hospital doctors yet but a doctor at my local practice sees me every month and helps so much! I'm on a whole lot of medication right now. Codeine, Cyclzine, Mebverine, Omeprazzole to name a few. I was warned that with my case it will be a "eventually we'll find the right drug" kind of thing!

    2. Your doctor sounds great, I'm so glad that you're in good hands. That sounds like a lot of medication indeed! Have you noticed any difference so far? For how long are you testing these meds to see if they work? Hugs, Karina (team member)

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