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Inconsistent IBS and piles

Hey; I suffer from inconsistent IBS and recently a new symptom I’ve been experiencing is piles. It is not a nice topic of conversation but one which I don’t know who else to ask. I asked my doctor about it and they prescribed me some ointment which will eventually with prolonged use cause serious damage and that was the end of the matter. My IBS flares up every morning and due to it being inconsistent, the movements are inconsistent and it doesn’t seem to matter which type, a pile will appear. I didn’t even have a movement yesterday, only gas and yet I still have a pile. They are incredibly painful and I don’t know how to help them or what to do about preventing them; does anyone have any advice please? I have little to no knowledge of what to do; I have attempted to Google but it doesn’t seem to say much other than having more fibre in my diet (which due to the inconsistency of my IBS and movements I don’t think it would make much difference but I am not opposed to trying it) I’m very young for this to be effecting me everyday and the doctor isn’t helping me anymore when it comes to my IBS; according to them it is settled. *I live in Scotland so the NHS is a mess*

  1. So sorry you are goin through this. I have had similar issues. I even asked my doctor if I could have them surgically removed and they always say no. Honestly, the only relief I get is a warm sit bath with epsom salt. And attach a bidet to your toilet which helps tremendously. You can order off of amazon. -Elizabeth (team member)

    1. Hey; thankyou very much for the advice I will look into it! Thankyou!

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