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IBS symptoms?

Hi, this is my first post. I am hoping to find others who have the same symptoms. I have suffered with IBS since I was 16. I would eat a meal, have spasms and diarrhoea within an hour. Then I was lucky enough to have had years of relief with no symptoms. Until my 40’s of normal horrible IBS symptoms which I could manage. Now I’m in my 50’s and all of a sudden I have new symptoms which my GP said is IBS. I can eat something, get stomach cramps, violently void anything I have eaten both ends. If I’m not sick, I have left side abdomen pain, bloating and burping for weeks. Told me to cut dairy and wheat. All of a sudden three weeks ago I got sudden right sided lower abdo pain, burning sensation like I ripped a muscle, back pain so severe I couldn’t bend over. Treated for UTI, then kidney stones and now they are putting it down to IBS. I am left with a constant gnawing pain in my right lower side, at times it burns round to my hip, pain can radiate to my groin and up under my ribs. The pain increases in waves, it can radiate down my leg, over to my belly button and on occasion shoot to the left abdomen. If I bring my knee up into my tummy I can create the pain. Bloods are normal. Does anyone else have these symptoms. I feel like I’m going mad. GP isn’t interested and over the counter remedies are not helping

  1. My mother has different IBS symptoms from mine (she complains about lots of pain in her side - I believe the right side like yours). She takes a probiotic (Lactobacillus Planetarum 299v) that sadly doesn't help me but made her sidepain dissapear (her words).
    The probiotic is sold here in Germany as "Inovall RDS".
    Before you even think about trying it: Her pain came from her intestines. Make sure yours do to.

    1. The brand is called Inovall RDS and the working probiotic is L. Planetarum 299v. Yes, it's a tablet (one filled with powder which they claim could be opened up and mixed into something for children).

      Header reads: Do you feel bloated? Suffering from constipation, dirrhea or stomach pain?

      The daily dose of that product is one capsule per day.
      Of course you shouldn't trust their excellent reviews since it's their side 😛 I can only tell you that my mother's main symptom has been pain in her side and this solved her problem. As far as research go: L. Planetarum are really persistent against pathogen bacteria, can easily survive your stomach acid and is - in theory - able to multiply in your gut and defend it against bad bacteria.

  2. I'd send you a package but on the side they warn you to keep the product dry and avoid temperatures above 25 degree celcius (77F). I'm not sure shipping something to the USA would meet those criteria :-/

    1. Hi and welcome to our community. That sounds awful, I'm sorry that you're dealing with this constant pain. We have a whole collection of articles about pain and pain management, maybe something in there could be helpful for you? How is your diet currently? Have you tried keeping a food diary as well as eating a gluten and/or dairy-free diet to see if that helps? Maybe you could also try seeing a naturopath if your doctors aren't helping. I hope you'll figure out a way to get some relief soon. Wishing you all the best, Karina (team member)

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