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IBS Pain with regular bowel movements

Any body else have unexplained right side pain but no other symptoms. Sometimes gas, but no bowel issues but dull pain.
All tests have come back clean, ultrasounds, CT Scans, blood work, colonoscopy have had polys removed (some large) but nothing explains the pain but IBS and stress.

  1. Hey , that sounds really frustrating that you can't figure out the root of this pain! I'm sorry you're going through that. You're not alone in having mysterious abdominal pains. It's actually quite common in this community. I think most people find that it takes some stubborn self advocating to get answers.

    I pulled a few forum discussions for you, which were started by members like you who had pain in their right side. Check out the replies for some members' advice:;;;

    I also found this article where the author found out their pain was actually caused by a hernia: I hope you find some answers soon, friend! Please keep us updated. We'll be thinking about you.
    - Kat (Team Member)

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