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IBS flare up symptoms

Looking for some advice from other sufferers! I am used to getting IBS flare ups, I start getting stomach cramps coming on in waves which eventually leads to several trips to the loo with diarrhoea. This time I went about 10 times but the last 2 were mostly
red blood in the toilet, has anyone else experienced this as part of a flare up? I have felt more fatigued than usual ever since and am a bit worried!

  1. Hi , I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. If you haven't already, I would definitely talk to your doctor about the blood, as this isn't usually a symptom of IBS and could be a sign of something else. One of our contributors recently had something similar happen and wrote an article about it: I hope you'll start feeling better soon. All the best, Karina (team member)

    1. I'm so sorry that you're going through this! I echo Karina's recommendation about seeing a doctor about the blood. I had a similar experience recently, but it luckily was something very minor. Definitely see a doctor to rule anything out though! Better to be safe than sorry. Best wishes, Michaela (Team Member)

      1. Yes but my dr isn’t worrying about the blood—but be sure to tell ur dr. I get so sick I end up in cold sweat on bathroom floor and promise God Ill never eat again. 😬 Takes me sometimes weeks to tolerate food again. Im sorry u r having this issue!

        1. I've been there, this is terrible. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. 🙁 Is there a specific reason why your doctor isn't worried about the blood? Maybe you could get a second opinion? Karina (team member)

        2. Cold sweats! That's a life I am all too familiar with. I'm glad that your doctor wasn't worried about the blood! That's actually super comforting to hear. I've actually had to sleep in the bathroom floor, my cramps were so bad. It's horrible. Those flare-ups are the ones that I just pray through. I'll massage my tummy until I get the strength to avoid fainting and have a good poop. Otherwise, Imodium has become my best friend. It stops poo right in its tracks. I love it! Thank you so much for sharing with us and I hope you're feeling real swell today. you're not alone in this ~ Sawyer (team member)

      2. Ive experienced the same thing during flare up’s. It’s awful and I promise God stuff too lol. My doctors weren’t too concerned about the blood either. Could be from hemorrhoids or irritated lining in bowels. Dehydration doesn’t help any of this. I usually go strong with coconut water or pedialyte. I often have gone to the doctors to get saline drip injections as well. It helps immensely with my sluggish behavior and help my IBS calm down faster.

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